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Common Acronyms That May Be Used On This Website

  • BOS - Board of Supervisors
  • CAO - County Administrator's Office
  • CDD - Community Development Department
  • COB - Clerk of the Board
  • COI - Community of Interest
  • RAC - Redistricting Advisory Committee
  • ROV - Registrar of Voters
  • RPM - Redistricting Project Manager
  • RPT - Redistricting Project Team
  • SJC - San Joaquin County
  • VRA - Voting Rights Act

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can a member of the public get involved with the redistricting process?
A: The public is invited to attend all public hearings of the BOS and RAC. The public is also invited to submit comments, communities of interest, and redistricting plans to the RAC. See the Participate page for further details and hearing schedule.

Q: What is a “community of interest”?
A: A “community of interest” is a population that shares common social or economic interests that should be included within a single supervisorial district for purposes of its effective and fair representation. CA ELEC § 21500(c)(2)

Q: What is not “community of interest”?
A: Communities of interest do not include relationships with political parties, incumbents, or political candidates. CA ELEC § 21500(c)(2)

Q: Will this site still be accessible after the adoption of new supervisorial district boundaries?
A: Yes. California law requires the County to maintain an internet website dedicated to redistricting for at least 10 years. CA ELEC § 21508(g)

Q: Who will ultimately determine the new supervisorial district boundaries?
A: The BOS will ultimately adopt the new supervisorial district boundaries. The RAC was established as an advisory commission, pursuant to CA ELEC § 23000 et seq, for the purpose of recommending new boundaries to the BOS, but is not itself empowered to adopt the new boundaries.